It's wonderful to receive email from readers, and there's usually a bump in activity about a week after a book releases. I always try to predict what the main comment or question might be but I'm never correct. IF MASHED POTATOES COULD DANCE released on October 2, and I've already pinned a common theme on the POTATOES emails. Many people have had the same question.
First, though ---- SPOILER ALERT. If you haven't read the book, you might not want to read what I've written below. It won't ruin the mystery, but it's something you might want to discover for yourself. Scroll down if you'd like to see what readers are asking me.
Here's the number one question: Did Lizzie Borden really have an illegitimate half-brother?
Answer - Yes, she did. And, it's been considered that he was the killer, but there wasn't enough proof to convict anyone.
Thanks so much for reading the book, and as always thank you for your kind comments and emails.